Meet The Whole Person Project.

Are You Living The Life You’re Capable Of?

Helping People Wake Up, Embody A Powerful Identity, And Willingly Confront Their Potential Is What We Do Best.

Discover What’s Holding You Back

Community Support

Guidance and Direction

Gamified For

Feel Better Immediately

Become Who You’re Capable Of Becoming

Turnkey Transformation


Regain Your Confidence

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We're Here to Reconnect You To Your Wholeness!

  • "When I began this journey, I wasn't expecting to find my soul. My work with The Whole Person Project has been an absolute awakening from within. I've learned how to practice self-compassion, be in the present moment, and heal from the inside out"

    Elana Sulla

  • “Much like one would not build a house by starting with the roof first, The Whole Person Project helps you get to the foundation and build from the bottom up. Of course, this means tearing down the old walls first, and when you see those first few rays of light bursting through the old facade, I promise you, you will feel warmth and freedom. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

    Louis Van Dyke

  • “I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression, and was told it ran in the family. The Whole Person Project helped me understand the mechanics of my emotions and how I was perpetuating them. My eyes have been opened and my life has been transformed because I see things so differently now.”

    Allison McRae

So Why The Whole Person Project?

Let’s face it - You’re doing things you DON’T want to do, you’re not doing things you DO want to do, and you don’t know WHY! You cannot change a behavior you don’t understand.

That’s where The Whole Person Project comes in.

We see you as a perfect adaptation to all of your life experiences. "It's a good day to have a good day," and with this mindset, we'll guide you through understanding why you’re not living the life you want. Then, we’ll show you how to live the one you do!

Are You Interested in Learning Some LifeSkills Today?

We’ve Developed Multiple Mini-Courses Designed to Improve Your Day-to-Day Quality of Life.

We Intentionally Keep These Low-Cost So They're Accessible.

All of Our LifeSkills Mini-Courses Are Included In Our Group Coaching Membership.

The Whole Person Project Is
Your Secret
To Transformation

The only thing you’ve been missing is an environment designed to bring out your very best and help you transform.

Without The Whole Person Project:

You Don’t Know Where to Start

You Need to Perform to Feel Good

When You Fail You Want to Give Up

You Chase Symptoms & Go Nowhere

With The Whole Person Project:

You Get Guidance & Direction

You Perform Because You Feel Good

Failing is the Gateway to Succeeding

Focus On The Root Cause & Thrive

Are you ready for a life full of worth and meaning?

We’re Ready To Show You How!

We’ve Built Your Success Into Our Experience…
You Just Have To Participate

The Secret Of Our “Sauce”

How is it that the vast majority of our clients are transforming in all the ways they’ve always wanted to?

What’s Our Recipe You Ask? Curiosity!

TWPP shifts you from endlessly taking urgent action to slowing down, clearly defining the problem, and taking transformative action.

Rather Than Trying To Change, Fix, Or Improve Behavior…
we’ll help you understand why the behavior exists, then, your behavior will change, fix, and improve itself! Our Process is not magic, but it is magical!

But That’s Not All The Whole Person Project Does…

We Teach You To Identify And Solve The Root Causes
Of Your Most Stubborn Problems

We’re Not Opposed To Hard Work, We Just Prefer Working Smart!

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We’re Here to Help You Feel Whole Again

  • “I've never experienced anything like The Whole Person Project before. I felt so safe and supported, people were empathetic, and it felt like everyone understood what I was talking about. We were all there for the same reason and we all have different stories but I learned so much about myself through communication and talking with other people. The format was great, I loved everything about it, and it was really life-changing for me.”

    Mara Dowler

  • “The Whole Person Project is tremendously value because of its principle-based approach. It allows us to look at ourselves non-judgmentally to see why we respond to life the way we do and provides the deeper level understanding we need to stop doing things we don’t want to do. This program works for everyone because the content necessarily takes each individual through their own process.”

    Dave Tiberio

  • “The Whole Person Project has taught me that it’s okay to fall because falling is our opportunity to get back up, to learn, and to grow. Without that, there's no transformation. I’ve learned that what’s going on around me is not as important as what's going on within me. This shift in perspective has changed everything.”

    Kim Kaschak

Most people struggle to resolve their challenges because they unknowingly chase their symptoms instead of addressing the root cause! We’ll teach you a more effective way forward

Our 3-Step Process

  • 1. Wake Up

    We're not going to ask you to change, fix, or improve anything about yourself—​because we don't think anything is wrong with you. Instead, we'll start by waking you up to the invisible forces that cause you to think, feel, and behave in ways you don't like.

  • 2. Embody A Powerful Identity

    We believe goodness is inherent in creation. We'll help you reconnect to your absolute identity of infinite goodness, helping you see yourself in a way that causes your very best thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to emerge naturally.

  • 3. Willingly Confront Your Potential

    Once you know who you are apart from everything and everyone, you're equipped to become who you're capable of becoming. We'll help you establish your intentions (focus) and pair them with your attention (energy), offering a life full of purpose and meaning.  

Here Are Some Real Member Experiences:

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Here’s How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow…


You're making great progress, then, for some reason, you start setting yourself back to square one without any effort. You're as confused as you are frustrated. Instead of trying to have more willpower or be more disciplined, let's explore a different way forward…

Here's How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow Self-Sabotage:

  • The Symptom: Self-Sabotage

  • The Compensation: Feeling Unworthy of Success

  • The Root Cause: Growing Up “Poor” Financially… As Well As, Spiritually

    • When you feel undeserving of success as a result of growing up poor, it can manifest as self-sabotage.

    • We helped our member wake up by establishing a connection between growing up poor and feeling undeserving of success. Then we helped him embody a powerful identity, separating his past and current behavior from his worth. Last, we called him to willingly confront his potential and act out his infinite goodness.

    • Once he realized self-sabotage was a way for him to maintain the poverty he grew up in, he was empowered to surrender his attachment to the familiarity of his past.

The Whole Person Project Replaces:

  • Confusion, Self-Deprecation, and Crippling Shame.

Here’s How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow…

Weight Loss

Typically, diet and exercise programs don't work because they never get at the deeper issues driving weight gain. Instead of depriving yourself of your favorite foods and working out to the point of soreness and injury, let's explore a different way forward…

Here's How We Helped One of Our Members Lose Weight:

  • The Symptom: Weight gain

  • The Compensation: Emotional eating

  • The Root Cause: Poor self-image

    • The food she consumed to soothe the emotional pain from a poor self-image led to weight gain.

    • We guided her to wake up by recognizing the connection between her poor self-image and emotional eating habits. Next, we supported her in embodying a powerful identity, helping her process unresolved emotions tied to her relationship with her mother. Finally, we encouraged her to willingly confront her potential and express her inherent goodness.

    • With managed emotions, her need for emotional eating diminished, and she began losing weight effortlessly.

The Whole Person Project Replaces:

  • Extreme Diets, Intense Workouts, and Superficial Approaches.

Here’s How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow…


It's frustrating when you recognize that you're putting everything and everyone else ahead of yourself and can't seem to say no. Instead of willing yourself to awkwardly create boundaries, let's explore a different way forward…

Here's How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow People-Pleasing:

  • The Symptom: People-Pleasing

  • The Compensation: Seeking External Validation

  • The Root Cause: Lack of Affirmation During Formative Years

    • His search for external validation to make up for the lack of affirmation during his formative years led to people-pleasing behaviors as an adult.

    • We helped him see how the absence of affirmation fostered a deep-seated need driving him to seek validation from others, then supported him in addressing the unresolved emotions tied to this need.

    • Understanding that people-pleasing would never fulfill his deep-seated need, he turned to meditation for self-connection and felt empowered to confidently begin saying no.

The Whole Person Project Replaces:

  • Forced Boundaries, Awkward Conversations, and Self-Neglect.

Here’s How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow…


When we feel anxious, we're advised to rub oils, tap parts of our body, and breathe deeply. While these are great management tools, they don't typically get at the deeper issues driving anxiety. Instead of working on the surface of unpleasant emotional experiences, let's explore a different way forward…

Here's How We Helped One of Our Members Manage Anxiety:

  • The Symptom: Anxiety

  • The Compensation: Anticipating the worst-case scenario (WCS)

  • The Root Cause: Unavailable parents

    • Her constant state of anticipation was a learned response to the unavailability of her busy parents, manifesting as anxiety.

    • We guided her to wake up to the connection between her parents' unavailability and her habit of anticipating the worst-case scenario (WCS). We then assisted her in embodying a powerful identity by addressing unresolved emotions related to feeling unsupported. Finally, we encouraged her to willingly confront her potential and act out her infinite goodness.

    • By acknowledging and dealing with the root cause, her perspective on anticipating the WCS shifted, significantly lowering her anxiety levels.

The Whole Person Project Replaces...

  • Reactive Approaches, Short-Term Relief, and Unnecessary Labels.

Here’s How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow…

High Expectations

According to Shakespeare, expectations are the root of all heartache. We try lowering our expectations, but when they're inextricably linked to our definition of success and peace of mind, it's near impossible. Instead of artificially setting realistic expectations, let's explore a different way forward…

Here's How We Helped One of Our Members Outgrow Unrealistic Expectations:

  • The Symptom: Unrealistic Expectations

  • The Compensation: Performance-Derived Worthiness.

  • The Root Cause: Modeled Behavior

    • When worth is tied to performance because of modeled behavior, it can manifest as high expectations.

    • First, we guided him to wake up to how his mother's expectations had become his own. Then, we aided him in embodying a powerful identity by processing unresolved emotions linked to feeling like his mother’s greatest disappointment. Lastly, we encouraged him to willingly confront his potential and express his inherent goodness.

    • Once he realized he was modeling his mother’s expectations to avoid disappointment and gain favor, he felt empowered to stop projecting his past into his present, leading to a natural lowering of the bar.

The Whole Person Project Replaces:

  • Inauthenticity, Heartache, and Self-criticism.

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We’re Here to Help You Feel Whole Again!

  • “The Whole Person Project has changed my life and I highly recommend it to anyone. It strangely allows you to transform in a way without necessarily trying to or requiring you to know exactly who you are in order to make progress.”

    Bridget Giarrusso

  • “Through The Whole Person Project, I learned the power of meditation and sitting in silence, which has greatly enhanced my life to this point. I’ve been given a new lens to look through, which makes the idea of moving forward exciting. I so appreciative of this program.”

    Drew Yoder

  • “The Whole Person Project has helped me gain a different perspective on things and to look at things from a wider lens. It’s given me compassion for myself and has helped me recognized what I can and cannot change. One big takeaway for me is knowing I don’t need anything in my life to change for me to feel successful, happy, or accepted.”

    Jackie Bianco

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Imagine What Life Could Be Like When You’re Given The Tools Designed To Bring Out Your Very Best.

You’re Already A Whole Person, The Only Thing Missing Is Awareness.

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